Flat file extensions


It’s possible to create your own flat-file parser and specify in the test-suite that you’ll be using the parser to read some files.

Create a custom parser

To create a custom parser for flat files, you’ll need to develop your own parser in C#. To achieve this, you’ll need to create a C# library project and compile it as a library. One of the class of your project should implement the interface IFlatFileReader from the namespace NBi.Extensibility.FlatFile and available in the nuget package NBi.Extensibility.

The following example, illustrates a TSV (table-separated values) parser skipping rows where the substring “10YBE” is not available.

public class TsvReader : CsvReader, IFlatFileReader
    public bool IsFirstLine { get; set; } = true;
    public TsvReader()
        : base(new CsvProfile('\t', '\"', "\r\n", true, true, 4096, "(empty)", "(null)"))
        base.ProgressStatusChanged += (s, e) 
            => ProgressStatusChanged?.Invoke(this
            , new NBi.Extensibility.ProgressStatusEventArgs(e.Status, e.Progress.Current, e.Progress.Total));
    public new event NBi.Extensibility.ProgressStatusHandler ProgressStatusChanged;
    public new DataTable ToDataTable(string filename) => base.ToDataTable(filename);
    protected override IEnumerable<string> GetNextRecords(StreamReader reader, string recordSeparator, int bufferSize, string alreadyRead, out string extraRead)
        extraRead = string.Empty;
        while (!reader.EndOfStream)
            var value = reader.ReadLine();
            //The first line should also be submitted because it will be skipped in the base class implementation
            if (((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) && value.Contains("10YBE")) || IsFirstLine)
                IsFirstLine = false;
                return new List<string>() { value };
        return new List<string>();
    protected override IEnumerable<string> SplitLine(string row, char fieldSeparator, char textQualifier, char escapeTextQualifier, string emptyCell)
        => row.Split(new[] { fieldSeparator }).Select(x => x == string.Empty ? emptyCell : x);
    protected override string CleanRecord(string record, string recordSeparator)
        => record;

Register the extension

You’ve to inform NBi that an extension is installed. To achieve this, you’ll have to edit your configuration file and add the section extensions to the nbi section of your file. for more information check how to register an extension for databases

  <add assembly="NBi.Testing" extension="custom"/>

Reference the custom parser

Inline reference

To specify that a flat file should be read with a specific custom parser, you’ll need to explictely tell it in the test definition. Immediately after the filename, add a exclamation point (!) and foolow it by the custom parser’s name (defined in the parameter extension of your config file).

  <result-set file="..\Csv\entsoe.tsv!custom"></result-set>

Explicit reference

Another way to express the need of a custom parser is to use the long form of an external file definition.

    <file path="..\Csv\entsoe.tsv">
      <parser name="custom" />